Reflections (prologue)

A few weeks before my daughter Cheryl was married, she said to me “Dad, do you think you could write a new tune for me to walk down the aisle?”

It’s a big ask. I explained that it doesn’t work like that, I can’t just sit down and force something out,  tunes and songs have a way of finding their own way.

That weekend I was on a flight from Edinburgh to New York, on my way to Atlanta. The first part of the tune came to me somewhere over the Atlantic. The second part flowed out when I tried it on the chanter when I got home. I called the tune reflections, thinking that it was the type of melody to suit reflective thought, of happy times or sad.

After the wedding some words just floated into my head, words that summed up for me what I was thinking about when I wrote the tune.

It’s a short prologue that I have made a connected, but separate track so that the instrumental can be played on its own, or with the sung introduction.


Reflections (Prologue)        © Alan G Brydon


When the leaves are falling from the trees

And a breeze blows softly through your memories

What you see is more than just a dream

It’s so real, you feel it like it’s always been

And when time no longer counts

And you’ve learned what life’s about

Let your heart relive and love

Those special times

Reflections of our lives